Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Brownie Lip Scrub DIY

The finished product

Chocolate Brownie Lip Scrub

This easy lip scrub is not only made of ingredients that can be found at home but makes your lips feel amazing and smells like delicious chocolate brownies

You Will Need:

1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Muskavado/Soft Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Good Cocoa Powder
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 tbsp Vegetable Oil (or 50:50 Veg Oil & Coconut Oil)

 1) Smush together the dry ingredients (Sugar, Cocoa and Salt) in a small bowl until they have fully combined into a light brown powder.

2) Mix in the Oil and the Vanilla Essence

3) Compact the rough mixture into the bottom of an old make up tin or a small container.

This should be the texture you get
This scrub should remove any dry or dead skin from your lips. The oil will they moisturize the lips after the roughness of the salt and sugar granules. You will need to use a lip balm afterwards to keep your new soft lips.