Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Brownie Lip Scrub DIY

The finished product

Chocolate Brownie Lip Scrub

This easy lip scrub is not only made of ingredients that can be found at home but makes your lips feel amazing and smells like delicious chocolate brownies

You Will Need:

1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Muskavado/Soft Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Good Cocoa Powder
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 tbsp Vegetable Oil (or 50:50 Veg Oil & Coconut Oil)

 1) Smush together the dry ingredients (Sugar, Cocoa and Salt) in a small bowl until they have fully combined into a light brown powder.

2) Mix in the Oil and the Vanilla Essence

3) Compact the rough mixture into the bottom of an old make up tin or a small container.

This should be the texture you get
This scrub should remove any dry or dead skin from your lips. The oil will they moisturize the lips after the roughness of the salt and sugar granules. You will need to use a lip balm afterwards to keep your new soft lips. 

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Book To Adaption Wish List

Nine Books I Want To See Adapted:

  1. Clockwork Angel is the first book in the Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare. Along with the Mortal Instruments, Clare's series have become international bestsellers. The Victorian Steampunk styled book is a fun read and would make an amazing book. I'm thinking Sweeney Todd meets Harry Potter.
  2. The Looking Glass Wars has amazing cinematography potential and a unique and interesting story line, all which lead to the possibility of a breath taking and enjoyable film. Frank Beddor's novel follows the story of Alice from Alice In Wonderland, only with a twist. It is also part one of a trilogy which leans towards a series of fantastic films.
  3. Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief has already been transformed  into a film as part of the ongoing Percy Jackson's franchise. Although I did really enjoy the films and the casting of Percy, I felt like I wanted more. Possibly a film that had stuck closer to the books story line instead of changing it completely. I just want a do over. 
  4. Beyond The Deepwoods is a book that is very close to my heart as it is one of my childhood favourites. Again, this is a book that has great cinematography already suggested and the possibility of a franchise as it is part of the Edge Chronicles. But also it could be a stand alone film. Personally, I feel like this could be adapted in a similar way to How To Train Your Dragon as it has so many fantastic fantasy creatures that a animated feature might to it more justice. And also then it could feature some of the amazing art that the book contains. 
  5. Glass Houses is the first book in one of my favourite book series, The Morganville Vampires. The novels have a web series in production, but I feel that the books deserve a real TV series along the lines of Game Of Thrones or The Vampire Diaries. The characters are appeal and possible eye candy for both male and female audiences. The story is intricate and enjoyable, a highly recommended read.
  6. The Outsiders, as far as I can gather, is a studied novel in American High Schools. It is also an interesting book about life in the 1950's written by a teenager about her friends. The film was previously adapted in the 80's staring the Brat Pack and has become a cult classic, but that was 30 years ago and the story may need a new adaption. If not, the current film is enjoyable if not slightly confusing. 
  7. Inkheart is another book that already has an adaption, but was negatively received by critics and didn't remain very faithful to the book. Again, this has the potential to become a franchise. As well as having a story line that is very easy to immerse yourself into, the plot is different and creative and a truly enjoyable fantasy novel. 
  8. The Wind Singer is a novel that stands out in my memories from my childhood. It was read to me by a teacher and since then I couldn't find it until recently. But re-reading it, I realised that this book would fit in with the recent film trend of dystopian post-apocalyptic novels. Only this would be perfect for a younger audience as well. It's set in the city of Aramanth, which is divided into segments based on a family test result. The message of the novel could be converted well into a film. 
  9. The Cuckoo's Calling really stands out to me as a BBC television series. You may have already seen the review I posted earlier in the week about the second novel in the series, The Silkworm, and from that you can probably tell that I love the Cormoran Strike Novels. As crime novels usually follow a basic storyline, I enjoy the fact that these novels mix it up a bit by moving in different circles than ones usually covered. The background of the main characters are also intreguing and draw you in. They could make an amazing series of crime fiction worthy of the BBC.

To buy the books mentioned, click the links listed below
 The Infernal Devices: X
 The Looking Glass Wars: X
 Percy Jackson And The Lighting Thief: X
 Beyond The Deepwoods: X
 Glass Houses: X
 The Outsiders: X
 Inkheart: X
 The Wind Singer: X
 The Cuckoo's Calling: X


As a born and bred Nottingham gal, it is basically law to attend the resident Nottingham music festival "Splendour" each summer.

Last year myself and Holly went and saw the likes of astounding Nottingham artists such as Dog Is Dead, Kagoule and Jake Bugg (as well as nonlocal artists by the likes of KT Tunstall and Nina Nesbitt). This was my first year of Splendour, hosted at Wollaton Hall, and it was excellent; this of course left me with high hopes for the 2014 lineup.

With forecasts of rain, hail, thunderstorms and sunshine for yesterday's festival, the weather was the typical British summer. This however didn't dampen our spirits (only our clothes) and we enjoyed many acts, my personal favourite being the Happy Mondays!

The stalls were also especially good this year, as I picked up a lovely skirt for £2 and a backpack for £3 to add to my wannabe vintage goddess wardrobe. There was also multiple tshirt stalls, including a "Save the bees" tshirt that I need to order!

Overall it was a fun day out with friends, and I won't soon forget the weather which made my raincoat pockets into tiny ponds!

Til next time,
Maya xo

Friday, 18 July 2014

Review: The Silkworm


As a lifelong fan of J.K. Rowling, I was very excited when it was released that a book I had recently purchased, The Cuckoo's Calling, was revealed to have been written by the novelist in 2013. I read the book on holiday and thoroughly enjoyed it, I love crime fiction. The promise of more novels following the cases of Cormoran Strike sent a flutter to my heart, so imagine my delight when The Silkworm hit shelves. 

The Plot

Behind the ambiguous title lies a fantastic story about a writer, Owen Quine, who is discovered murdered after being missing for two weeks. Like every crime novel, there are many stand out and suspicious characters that the protagonist, Strike, has to muddle through in order to find the killer. Rowling, under the pseud name of Galbraith, presents these characters in a true to life and often comical manner through the eyes of Strike or his assistant Robin. All this set against the turbulent backdrop of modern day London. 

The novels name drives from a fictional novel that the victim had finished and failed to publish before his death. The novel Bombyx Mori, meaning silkworm, features an unsavory and metaphorical depiction of the victims colleagues and family, used to reveal hidden secrets and issues to the public, and presenting each of the seven people featured with a strong motive for murder. 

It then follows Strike as he struggles with the opposing police investigation, lack of leads and issues with the Watson to his Holmes, Robin. 

Final Word: I really enjoyed this novel as well as its predecessor. When the next Cormoran Strike novel is released, I will be waiting! 

To buy the book, click here: X

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Introducing Myself Part Two


I'm Holly and I'll be posting all the other stuff (including most of the posts so far). Ideally, we will be posting once a week. These posts will include reviews, recommendations and the likes. For now, here's a picture of Maya and I.
Eh, love Holly

Posted by: Holly

Introducing Myself

I don't know how to begin this so I'll just say hello, I'm Maya and I've been recruited(??) to help with this blog! Holly is one of my best friends and I'll be posting way cooler stuff than her ;-) I don't have much else to add right now so enjoy this picture of Holly and I for now.

Til next time,
Maya xo

Posted by: Maya

Spector - Enjoy It Whilst It Lasts

Although this is a not a new album (released in 2012), it has only recently come into my possession. The main reason for this is the new HMV sale. Yes, the album was £2.99 but so far has been worth every penny. And I mean that! 
There are some catchy dance pieces in there, “Chevvy Thunder” is a personal favourite of mine, especially as I find myself blurting out the lines “Chevvy Thunder” very loudly in the most random places.
"Never Fade Away" has such a strong ability to maintain in the consciousness that I don’t think I’ve stopped humming the melody for the last 2 weeks. There is absolutely no reason to "enjoy it whilst it lasts" as the song will probably remain there for months. 
The beats and tunes stick strongly to the British Indie music scene, with the cheery thud of the drums and the cryptic and often bizarre lyrics that you are never quite sure of. This album is fantastic for drives, parties, revision, walking, working and basically every element of the soundtrack of your life. 
I am giving this album 4 stars, as although the tunes are catchy, there is a lack of variety and structure to the album. But structure and variety are for losers anyway.

To buy the CD, click here: X

Monday, 14 April 2014

Lily Collins


Recently, I have become infatuated with the effortless class of Mortal Instruments star, Lily Collins. With her stand out red lips and eyebrows, Lily's style isn't easy to replicate, which is fantastic. My wardrobe has been influenced to an extreme level by her street style. Here are a few of my favourites: 

There have been several tutorials on how to get Lily's look, my personal favourite is by Tanya Burr, the link is here: X

Posted by: Holly

Book Ends - Stardust


For those who enjoyed the film Stardust as a child,or with their children, the fact that the movie was in fact based off an  adult fairytale may come as a bit of a  surprise. Certainly, the storyline of the  film follows the whimsical magic of the  novella, but the story has something  more that many may find much more  enjoyable, and much darker. 
Like the film kept, the story follows  Tristran Thorne, a young shop boy  from  the village of Wall, whose perseverance of the fools errand his  love Victoria has sent him on leads  him straight into a strange land called  Faerie. But before this, we have the  tales of his father, and how he met a strange old warlock who promised to  help Dunstan, Tristran’s father, find his one true love. And so Tristran came to be. 
The story holds a kind of magic that is  rarely seen in modern fiction, something of real awe and mystery.  The ruthless kingdom of Stormhold  has a true cinematic quality that  the novellas author, Neil Gaiman, should  be highly praised for.
If you enjoy magic, mayhem and fallen stars, the story of the village of Wall and the hidden land of Stormhold should be a true treat. I highly recommend this read.
To buy the book, follow this link : X
To buy the film, follow this link: X
For more on Neil Gaiman, follow this link: X

Posted by: Holly

What I Recommend - Randall And Hopkirk

Back From The Dead

For my first TV recommendation, I  choose Randall and Hopkirk  (Deceased). The show is a brilliant  example of an early 2000’s surreal  sitcom. Starring notorious duo, Bob  Mortimer and Vic Reeves (Of  Shooting Stars fame), as the even  more madcap title characters, each  episode contains fine examples of  British humour. 

 The premise is simple: Two private  investigators, along with ones beautiful fiance, are caught on the wrong side of a client, which ends in a rather tragic death to Hopkirk. From beyond the grave, Hopkirk choses his work partner and best friend Randall as his ‘chosen one’, enabling him to communicate with the living and assist with cases. There is also another familiar face in the form of Tom Baker playing Hopkirks eccentric mentor, Wyvern. 

If you are a fan of British comedy, you will enjoy a game of ‘spot the faces’ as many future stars appear in the show. To name a few; David Tennant, Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, Hugh Laurie, Jessica Hynes, Simon Pegg and Matt Lucas. The amount of cameos is truly extraordinary, and truly enjoyable! 
Randall and Hopkirk display unorthodox methods in the line of duty, all of which are very entertaining. Both series are brilliant and the show definitely came to an untimely end! I highly recommend giving the series on watch. 
You can find both series on Amazon here: x

Posted by: Holly

The First One: Arctic Monkeys - AM

The First One

Arctic Monkeys, AM (June 2013) 

Arctic Monkeys definitely seem to be the highest ranking band at the moment, due to their recent album AM, released in September last year. It’s hard to fail to notice the praise and ravings about the album, which is Arctic Monkeys 5th studio release. My personal opinion? Don’t believe the hype. 

The album contains definite anthems for indie boys in the near future, for example;  Do I Wanna Know? has the  opening bars of a classic,  swiftly followed by the  raging tone of R U Mine?  But personally, I think the  real question should be:  Does it work? The album  has no rise and fall, no  climax, no stand alone  songs. For those who are  casually listening, it may  seem as though the album  is one long extended  edition of Do I Wanna  Know? The slow groove  presented in the best  selling single is continued  through not only One For  The Road and Arabella, but  also Why D’ya Only Call Me When You're High and Fireside. Thank heavens for No. 1 Party Anthem and Mad Sounds, otherwise I think the album would've been tossed out of the window for the pure repetition of the beat. 

The hype for this album was immense, what with the Monkeys headlining Glastonbury months before going on an international arena tour. But personally, I feel that it doesn't live up to the road paved by previous albums. There is no staging to the album. Ironically, the album that they wanted to sound slick and smooth sounds more like a group of boys trying to be Ozzy Osbourne than any of their previous. There is an air of pretend around the whole album, as though Alex Turner feels he needs to shove the former glory of rock and roll into an oven of 21st century drum machines and musical editing. 

The album is well produced and features many catchy singles that will no doubt continue to plague alternative radio stations and magazines for another few months if not years. The overall effect is a tour through American Rock and Roll history, with No.1 Party Anthem as a typical formal slow dance. The iconic high vocals of Matt Helders brings back a sense of their previous albums. 

Overall I would give the album 4/5 «««« The album is a definite musical step for the Arctic Monkeys, displaying a positive progression in their sound, and featuring many classics in the making. That said, maybe Alex Turner should stick to the day job and leave his Elvis impersonation for a party trick?

To buy the album, click here: X 
For more on Arctic Monkeys, click here: X

Posted by: Holly

Stepping To The Big League

Stepping Into The Big League

A Short Introduction

For several months, I have been attempting to create an interesting blog where I can post about the styles I like, new trends I don't quite get, reviews and music. This has not been a success in anyway, mainly as I was a fool and tried to create it as an additional account to my main blog. This means that I was unable to follow people. So now I am making up for that. I am starting a real blog. There is no promise that this blog will be no more successful than the previous one. But I'm trying.

What To Expect

  • I would like to make regular post about people who inspire me, through art, music, or fashion. 
  • There will be a series of regular reviews that will also be posted on my tumblr page.
  • It is possible that there will be vlogs from me, updating you on my current situation and things that are affecting me. 

What Not To Expect

  • I would like to say that anything I post would be of interest, but that's a lie.
  • Make up tutorials, I am rubbish. 



Posted by: Holly